
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2019


ANALYSIS OF AN URBAN PLAN: VITORIA -We can see that in the yellow part of the map that are situate in the middele of the city, is the historic part and have form of almond (ore radio central) the cause of this form are because they start tu built the city in the centre and them they start tu spand but with the same form is the best part of the city to do tourims. -In the blue and estrong purple part that are situate in the centre of the city also we can see that is very big, this part of the city was the first and biggest expansion of this, also we can see that this zone of the city have more cuadriculated than the yellow part. -The orange and soft purple zone are the working class neighborhood are the second and last one expansion in this zone live the workers with their family. In the years 70s some neighbordhoods was built. In the years 80s they conected with roads the villages near Vitoria. Also there are hospitals and some industrial zones.