A topographic profile is the graphic representation of the relief of an area, obtained cutting transversly the contour lines of a topographic map.
-Idwntify the line´s point of deoarture and point of arrival (from north to south)
-Cite the units of relief crossed by the line (in order)
-Explain the geologic origen and the main characteristics of each of the units of relief cressed by the line.
The profile than we are going to analyce goes from the golf of Lim to the cape of S.Vicente. The line follows a NE-SW direction and crosses the following units of relief: Pyrenees, The depression of the river Ebro, The Iberian system, The Sub-Plateau, Montes de Toledo and the Depresion of the river Guadalquivir.
The first unit of relief cressed by the the lines is the Pyrenees. This mountain range was formed during the tertary and consecuense of the Alpine orogeny.
The Pyrinees: they have a complex extructure made for three sectors:
-The axis correspond to the old macizo erciñano of equitanea and have the maximous altitude.
-The prepyrinees are in the south ofd the axial. Are formed by limestones rocks and they have a soft relief.
-The middle depresion is a large depresion that sapare the interiors saws and exterios saws of the prepyrinees it is made of soft materials like clays and margas.
The iberican system: is a mountain range made for the plegament of the materials deposited by the sea.
Sierra morena: no is properly a mountain range, is a brusque step that separe the plateau of the guadalquivir valey. The dark colour of the rovks that they form giv him that name.
You have to complete all the assignments to be able to pass the term.