In a rural landscape we can found biotic, abiotic and athropic elements.

I can see that the picture is located in the north of spain specially in Cantabria ore Galicia, also I can see that the houses are scattered and far from each other, them I see that the lands are delimitated by natural elements like trees ore shrubberys, the field are very green because in that zone rain a lot and it is situated in a mountain.

The main uses of the land in this zones are rainfed crops and pastures for livestock raising

Some problems that affect rural areas are that lots of the joung habitans leave the village to go to the city there they have more mod conds, and the rest of populatiom that stay in the village are old people and ifthere is few people in the countryside the public services will desapear, but it have solutions like put a cheap price to the houses that are abandoned, also the village can gift lands to cultivate ore for livestock and them the owner of the land can eat and sold theirs products, them the village can invest in prepair the village to the tourism that can generate some jobs.


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