
Amaras al lider sobre todas las cosas

    AMARAS AL LÍDER SOBRE TODAS LAS COSAS Resumen sobre el origen de la dictadura comunista de Korea : La ocupación militar japonesa de Corea terminó con el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la rendición de Japón, anunciada el 15 de agosto de 1945. Después de tres años en los que fracasaron varios proyectos de unificación, el 15 de agosto de 1948 los estadounidenses crearon la República de Corea en el sur, presidida por Syngman Rhee, un veterano político exiliado en Hawái y opositor a la invasión japonesa de Corea. En respuesta, los rusos reconocieron el 9 de septiembre la República Popular Democrática de Corea, con un gobierno encabezado por Kim Il-sung, que había luchado desde 1932 contra los japoneses, quienes lo consideraban uno de los líderes guerrilleros coreanos más populares y peligrosos. El gobierno del norte adoptó una forma autocrática y el del sur inició la represión de la guerrilla procomunista y de otros movimientos de izquierda, pero ambos regímenes...

population pyramid

Population pyramid: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kgjohtmsJZ66hxJCTGNl3r0gDHVzV9RhCE9QbQuuQ0Q/edit#gid=0 A population pyramid is a traditional way of visualizing and explaining the age structure of a society. It is a graph that shows the structure of a society by sex and age at given time and place. The pyramid we are analyzing shows the demographic structure of an underdevelopment country in the year 2012 If look at the sex ratio we can see that more or less are born more children than girls the reason is because is aleatory. In the years 2003-2007 there is a nach it caused famine, also in the in the years 1982-1974 there is a nach also caused of a famine. With regard to the age structure piramid we can say that most of the people is young dependant, the brth rate is very hight and also the dead rate is very hight that means that is an subdesarollated country we see that in the years 2003-2007 there is anach it could be caused by a famine or a epidemic. The consequ...

Life Expectancy

Top 10 countries with the lowest life espectancy: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kfBBbB2g1GWWWbRyv62J15Iy6ZR_0R_yc7EPc2DCCTY/edit?usp=sharing    (no se poner la foto) The reason why these undeveloped countries have the lowest life expectancy can be: They are at war, so many people die, of all ages. Because the wars, there are other consequences that can affect to this life expectancy such as famine, poverty, a Healthcare system without the recent advances and the lifestyle. The climate can be another reason an extreme climate can affect to the lifestyleand the life expectancy Top 10 countries with the highest life expectancy The reasons why these countries have the highest life expectancy is mainly because their lifestyle. The food they eat, daily routines....A healthier diet and a good Heathcare System are the most importantreasons for this situation. Another rasons can be the economical situation of the countries and their educational system.

A lomos de la bestia

A LOMOS DE LA BESTIA: 1. Summarize in a few lines the documentary. People flee from Honduras or San Salvador, countries in bad situations, to be able to live a better future in the United States, but every time they get closer to that border located in the North, the most dangerous becomes the road. The people who appear have dreams and illusions that often due to thieves, faced with gangs, to be able to fall, be beaten, die and even women can be raped do not get it. The documentary shows how Jon Sistiaga makes a small route through which the beast passes and talks to some passengers who want to arrive at the United States border. Jon Sistiaga shows us places like the Cemetery of Tapachulas in which people are buried but have no respect for their bodies. They also stop at several shelters (Jesus the Good Shepherd or Road Brothers) where people have been treated to fall or hit but have survived. Finally, there are people who distribute food to travelers when the train passes by t...


ANALYSIS OF AN URBAN PLAN: VITORIA -We can see that in the yellow part of the map that are situate in the middele of the city, is the historic part and have form of almond (ore radio central) the cause of this form are because they start tu built the city in the centre and them they start tu spand but with the same form is the best part of the city to do tourims. -In the blue and estrong purple part that are situate in the centre of the city also we can see that is very big, this part of the city was the first and biggest expansion of this, also we can see that this zone of the city have more cuadriculated than the yellow part. -The orange and soft purple zone are the working class neighborhood are the second and last one expansion in this zone live the workers with their family. In the years 70s some neighbordhoods was built. In the years 80s they conected with roads the villages near Vitoria. Also there are hospitals and some industrial zones.


In a rural landscape we can found biotic, abiotic and athropic elements. I can see that the picture is located in the north of spain specially in Cantabria ore Galicia, also I can see that the houses are scattered and far from each other, them I see that the lands are delimitated by natural elements like trees ore shrubberys, the field are very green because in that zone rain a lot and it is situated in a mountain. The main uses of the land in this zones are rainfed crops and pastures for livestock raising Some problems that affect rural areas are that lots of the joung habitans leave the village to go to the city there they have more mod conds, and the rest of populatiom that stay in the village are old people and ifthere is few people in the countryside the public services will desapear, but it have solutions like put a cheap price to the houses that are abandoned, also the village can gift lands to cultivate ore for livestock and them the owner of the land can eat and ...